Co-creating the next edition of Lean Scaleup.

100+ corporate practitioners and academics have already signed up.

What is this about?

Lean Scaleup, the emerging standard for corporate entrepreneurship, will be out in a second, revised and extended edition in early 2023.

The first edition was co-created by more than 20 companies and 2 business schools. And so will be the second edition. It will feature:

  • A deep-dive into the framework
  • Case studies: Showing how leading companies – up to Fortune 10 – have solved their business building challenges

What is my commitment?

  • A time investment of 1-2 hours per month
  • Critical reflection of the material (“cold eye but a warm heart”)
  • Suggest improvements
  • Augment the discussion with own experiences and/or own materials
  • Cross-read manuscript versions

What will happen?

The process is designed so that it provides maximum value for participating practitioners and maximum impact for the content. We think that this is an exciting process. Free of charge, of course.

For every one of the 12 building blocks for corporate entrepreneurship, there will be 2-3 Learning Lab sessions.

In these sessions, Frank Mattes will present the state of thinking, the studies, stats, concepts, decisive factors, checklists, etc. The group of practitioners who selected this very Learning Lab will comment, discuss, share and augment what is there. I will take this input and come up with an improved version, etc.

After these discussions, Frank we will write the manuscript and put it on a collaborative platform, specifically designed for co-creating books, where it can be commented and augmented again. We then move on to manuscript finalization, layouting, etc.

What do I get?

Thank you, recognition and support of your professionalism and your ambition.

  • Become a member of the Pioneer group who shapes business building / corporate entrepreneurship
  • Cutting-edge insights and substantial peer discussions
  • PowerPoint working materials that you can use inside your company
  • You will be featured as “co-author”
  • Free access to the Roundtables
  • A free Briefing inside your company, where Frank presents and discuss the main points
  • Free copies of the book

If you are a corporate practitioner or academic expert in the business building context, join the process. Please click the button below to get the ball rolling.